ProScène Dauphinais
Shinning service with no intermission

Sales stage curtains , fabrics and fireproof papers. Sale rails and accessories. Sale of equipment such projection screens motorized or manual projection spotlight.


ProScene Dauphinais performs making and selling your stage curtains.

We also have pendillions , curtain accessories , special curtains.

We also specialize in fireproofing and selling Flame retardant fabrics.

We install the curtains with care and professionalism while respecting the recognized security criteria.

Maintenance and repair
We offer repair and cleaning of your stage curtains and flame retardancy thereof .
After sales service
We offer customer service respecting the manufacturer's warranty and thereafter in accordance with our professional sense .

Inspection Service
ProScene Dauphinais offer an inspection service and check your curtains which allows you to make sure they still meet the criteria fireproofing regulations.
Products by supplier
All rights reserved © ProScène Dauphinais   10624, Avenue Brunet Montréal, Qc H1G 5E2 514-325-2220
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